Daeth bore(u) i'r adar mān

(Diogelwch y saint yn llaw eu Priod)
1,2,(3a,4);  1,2,3b.
Daeth bore i'r adar mān,
  Ar dān i foli Duw;
Yn awr mae'r haul a'r hyfryd hīn,
  Ar rai o'r werin wiw;
Fe ddaeth y jubili,
  On'd braf yw'n bri a'n braint?
Cawn fyn'd adre ar fyr o dro,
  I seinio gyd a'r saint.

'Does le i ni golli'r ffordd,
  Mae niwl y dydd o'n blaen;
Fe'n tywysir trwy'r anialwch hir,
  Gan golofn glir o dān:
Fe arwain Iesu'n wir
  Ni'n gywir yn ei law,
Trwy ganol maith sychedig dir,
  I'r Canaan bur sydd draw.

Mi ges arwyddion gwir,
  O gariad pur fy Nuw;
Ei ras a'i dawel hyfryd hedd
  I'm henaid rhyfedd yw;
Y'mhell o'r babell hon,
  Mae nghalon gyd ag ef;
O ffrind troseddwyr
    tyn fi'n llon,
  Yn union tua'r nef.

[Cawsom arwyddion gwir,
   O gariad pur ein Duw;
 Ei ras a'i dawel hyfryd hedd,
   I'n henaid rhyfedd yw;
 Y'mhell o'r babell hon,
   Mae'n calon gyd ag e';
 O ffrynd troseddwŷr
     tyn i'n llon
   Yn union tu a'r nef.]

Mae'r manna wedi ei gael
  Mewn dyrys anial dir,
Ymborthi cāf ond myn'd y'mlaen,
  Ar ffrwythau'r Ganaan wir:
Mae yno sypiau grawn,
  Yn llawn o fewn y lle,
O ffrind troseddwyr
    tyn fi'n llon,
  Yn union tua'r nef.

            - - - - -

Daeth boreu i'r adar mān,
  Ar dān i foli Duw;
Yn awr mae'r haul a'r hyfryd hin,
  Ar rai o'r werin wiw;
Fe ddaeth y jubili,
  On'd braf yw'n bri a'n braint -
Cawn fyned adref ar fyr o dro,
  I seinio gyda'r saint.
Fe ddaeth y jubili,
  On'd braf yw'n bri a'n braint -
Cawn fyned adref ar fyr o dro,
  I seinio gyda'r saint.

Nis gallw golli'r ffordd,
  Mae niwl y dydd o'n blaen;
Trwy'r niwlog nos,
    er para'n hir,
  Cawn golofn glir o dān;
Fe arwain Iesu cu
  Ei deulu yn Ei law,
Trwy'r maith sychedig anial dir,
  I'r Canaan bur sydd draw.
Fe arwain Iesu cu
  Ei deulu yn Ei law,
Trwy'r maith sychedig anial dir,
  I'r Canaan bur sydd draw.
William Williams 1717-91

priodolwyd hefyd i J Williams, Penrhyncoch.

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
Nes i Dre (I B Woodbury 1819-58)
  New Brunswick (<1829)

Tōn [MBT 6686T]: Daeth boreu i'r Adar mān
  (William Penfro Rowlands [Penfro] 1860-1937)

  Chwi bererinion glān
  Mae'r manna wedi ei gael
  Mi ges arwyddion gwir

(The safety of the saints in the hand of their Husband)
Morning came to the little birds,
  On fire to praise God;
Now are the sun and the pleasant weather,
  On those of the worthy folk;
The Jubilee has come,
  Are not our honour and privilege good?
We may go home after a short spell,
  To sound together with the saints.

There is no place for us to miss the way,
  There is a cloud by day before us;
We will be led through the long desert,
  By a clear pillar of fire:
Jesus leads truly
  Us correctly in his hand,
Through the middle of a vast parched land,
  To the pure Canaan which is yonder.

I received true signs,
  Of the pure love of my God;
His grace and his quiet, pleasant peace
  Is wonderful to my soul;
Far from this tent,
  My heart is with him;
O Friend of transgressors,
    draw me cheerfully,
  Straight towards heaven.

[We received true signs,
   Of the pure love of our God;
 His grace and his quiet, pleasant peace,
   Are wonderful to our soul;
 Far from this tent,
   Our heart is with him;
 O Friend of transgressors,
     draw us cheerfully
   Straight towards heaven.]

There is manna that was had
  In a troublesome desert land,
I may feed myself but go forward,
  For the fruits of the true Canaan:
There there are clusters of grapes,
  Fully within the place,
O Friend of transgressors,
    draw me cheerfully,
  Straight towards heaven.

                 - - - - -

Morning came to the little birds,
  On fire to praise God;
Now are the sun and the pleasant weather,
  On those of the worthy folk;
The Jubilee has come,
  Are not our honour and privilege good -
We may go home after a short spell,
  To sound together with the saints.
The Jubilee has come,
  Are not our honour and privilege good -
We may go home after a short spell,
  To sound together with the saints.

We cannot miss the way,
  There is cloud, by day, before us;
Through the foggy night,
    although lasting long,
  We will have a clear pillar of fire:
Dear Jesus leads
  His family in His hand,
Through the middle of a vast parched land,
  To the pure Canaan which is yonder.
Dear Jesus leads
  His family in His hand,
Through the middle of a vast parched land,
  To the pure Canaan which is yonder.
tr. 2010,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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